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Bird Balance

Missing number problems.

Learning Objectives:
  • Y2: To use <, > and = signs
  • Y2: To recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.
  • Y2: To add and subtract a 2-digit number & 1s.
  • Y2: To add and subtract a 2-digit number & 10s.
  • Y2: To add and subtract two 2-digit numbers.
  • Y3: To solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.
  • Y3: To solve problems, including missing number problems involving multiplicationa and division...
  1. The aim is to balance the log so that the gulls won't be eaten by the shark, (psst! They never are!)
  2. Read the problems and work out the missing number.
  3. Enter the missing number using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
  4. If you are correct the gulls will fly off and the octopus will reset your log.
  5. If you are wrong the log will tip depending on which side is heaviest, (the highest value).
  6. After 8 correct answers the game will finish and you'll see the octopus dress up in different outfits.

Have fun!

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Made using the ZIMjs and Createjs libraries.